New Navi Software Update 2.00.2014 / DB2.01.01

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2013
Just an FYI if you had the Navi system software updated, the TSB has been updated to reflect a newer version: 2.00.2014 / DB2.01.01
All it references are more bugfixes, but nothing specific.

The update was made available to Honda dealers in late June, 2014.
Thanks for the heads up. Is this something that we can update ourselves or does it have to go to the dealership?

Wish they would add realtime traffic.
ZEP77":2fm74xai said:
Thanks for the heads up. Is this something that we can update ourselves or does it have to go to the dealership?

Wish they would add realtime traffic.

Have to go to dealership.

Best I've been able to find out, it addresses several problems, only some fixes have been documented which are:
-Static or lack of sound comes out of rear speakers.
-The info/setting screen can flash/hang after using LaneWatch camera.
-Saved speed dial information and voice tags disappearing/getting auto-deleted.
-The audio-nav system sometimes reboots or hangs when inserting some CDs.
-When trying to call certain contacts, the system resets.
-When using camera with map and turning, the energy view will hang.

My understanding is there are other changes....but been a royal pain to find out details....hope this helps. You can contact your dealer and specify you want the update related to SB 14-019 (recently updated April and made available June 2014).
Thanks for the info.

Anyone have it yet? I noticed a bug with text messages and turn signals. If you driving and get a text, it doesn't display it (of course.) If you have it read the text, then leave the display on the text box, it will re-read that text after you use a right turn signal (the lane watch camera displays), when the camera screen goes away, the text will be re-read. You can display the lane watch camera with the turn signal stalk and have the same happen.
Cobra":1jt85rdq said:
Thanks for the info.

Anyone have it yet? I noticed a bug with text messages and turn signals. If you driving and get a text, it doesn't display it (of course.) If you have it read the text, then leave the display on the text box, it will re-read that text after you use a right turn signal (the lane watch camera displays), when the camera screen goes away, the text will be re-read. You can display the lane watch camera with the turn signal stalk and have the same happen.

Actually slightly related bug with the new software version...When using a voice command to phone a contact, the car will respond "Now calling Person X". If you then trigger the lane-watch camera...when the lane-watch camera shuts off, the car will repeat "Now calling Person X" and sit on that screen, but not actually call. Sometimes it calls, sometimes gets confused and requires the cancel/back button to break out of it.

Seems a little faster when transitioning to/from the lane-watch camera and rear-view camera so that's a plus at least.
I can believe that, it seems like any voice content is displayed when it pops up on the screen. The switch from lane watch back to the regular screen seems to speak whatever content was on the screen again. If you switch back and forth, does it speak every time? The text messages do that.
Really wish they allowed for a "Passenger Override" for the nav system. It is such a pain to have to pull over so my wife can enter in a new destination point while I'm the one driving.
ZEP77":39h0ygwy said:
Really wish they allowed for a "Passenger Override" for the nav system. It is such a pain to have to pull over so my wife can enter in a new destination point while I'm the one driving.

Been frustrated with this as well.....the most annoying feature. I get driver safety...but my "co-pilot" can't use the darn system, not efficient at all :(.
Did you have any trouble getting the dealer to apply this update? I just dropped off the car and the service writer said 'I'll check for updates. No updates are listed for your vehicle (except the engine recall update.)' I had given them the TSB number already...
Needed to be a little persistant on this one.
It is not a recall and not really an update per set..but a "fix".

Let them know the TSB has existed awhile but was recently updated. Ask then to review the software version on your car and compare to the one in the UPDATED TSB.

Finally you can explain one of the symptoms and note it is listed as fixed in the TSB.

Some dealers / service advisors seem more willing to explore than others. :(

It is definitely not an update referenced in any recall campaign. Only the TSB at this point.
I wasn't convinced they would do it, but when I got the call, they said it was updated. Other than the phone having lost it's bluetooth pairing and my programmed phone number being erased, I haven't noticed any difference.

I looked for the repeat speaking of phone messages when the lane watch camera is displayed and hidden, and that little behavior hasn't been fixed.

I did have my programmed phone numbers lost before, and since that was on the list of fixes, it will be nice if that doesn't happen anymore.
I just recently had my car updated to this version. I had to ask the service advisor about it, and he had to have someone in the service department look up the update number. My dealer would not perform this update automatically, as it does not show up as something needed by the vehicle.

I noted one fix that I had not seen listed in the postings above. The compass in the "Vehicle Energy" display used to always point north, regardless of the direction of travel of the vehicle. This has now been fixed. Not a significant change, but fixed something that used to annoy me.
pigaro":1t0vvohz said:
My dealer would not perform this update automatically, as it does not show up as something needed by the vehicle.
Good to hear that requesting it is actually making progress..although Honda needs to seriously do a better job of getting these updates out there...

pigaro":1t0vvohz said:
I noted one fix that I had not seen listed in the postings above. The compass in the "Vehicle Energy" display used to always point north, regardless of the direction of travel of the vehicle. This has now been fixed. Not a significant change, but fixed something that used to annoy me.

Actually that just sounds like they reset the default settings.
To set that from the Navi menu go to: Settings -> Navi Settings -> Map View

You'll have 3 choices:
1) Heading-up (what you likely have now)
2) North-up (what you used to have set before).
3) 3D Map

Been that way since version 1.00, user configurable.. :)
pigaro":3sowc71s said:
I just recently had my car updated to this version. I had to ask the service advisor about it, and he had to have someone in the service department look up the update number. My dealer would not perform this update automatically, as it does not show up as something needed by the vehicle.

I noted one fix that I had not seen listed in the postings above. The compass in the "Vehicle Energy" display used to always point north, regardless of the direction of travel of the vehicle. This has now been fixed. Not a significant change, but fixed something that used to annoy me.


did they charge you to do the update?
rinthos":1bcfln2c said:
Actually that just sounds like they reset the default settings.
To set that from the Navi menu go to: Settings -> Navi Settings -> Map View

You'll have 3 choices:
1) Heading-up (what you likely have now)
2) North-up (what you used to have set before).
3) 3D Map

Been that way since version 1.00, user configurable.. :)

No, that is not what I was talking about. The compass (you know the thing that points the red end toward north) was ALWAYS pointed north (i.e., straight up), regardless of the actual heading of the car. It had nothing to do with the direction at the top of the map. I have had heading-up set since I got the car. This is a definite change since the initial version.

ZEP77":1bcfln2c said:
did they charge you to do the update?

No, they performed the update for free with the normal service I came in for.

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